Riferimenti bibliografici
AAL Programme
2019AAL Executive Summary: Smarter Implementation of Digital Solutions Enhancing Active and Healthy Living, www.aal-europe.eu, ultimo accesso: 24.12.2023.
Arthanat S., Begum M., Gu T., LaRoche D.P., Xu D. e Zhang N.
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2020Why Older Adults and Their Children Disagree about in-Home Surveillance Technology, Sensors, and Tracking, in «The Gerontologist», 60, 5, pp. 926-993, https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnz068.
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2024Family Caregiver Readiness to Adopt Smart Home Technology to Monitor Care-Dependent Older Adults: A Qualitative Exploratory Study, in «Journal of Advanced Nursing», 80, 2, pp. 628-643, doi: 10.1111/jan.15826.
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2021Technology-driven Solutions to Prompt Conversation, Aid Communication and Support Interaction for People with Dementia and Their Caregivers: A Systematic Literature Review, in «BMC Geriatrics», 21, 157, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-021-02105-0.
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2023How Artificial Intelligence Can Support Informal Caregivers in Their Caring Duties to Elderly? A Systematic Review of the Literature, Paper presented at AIXAS, Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society, 6-9 novembre, Roma.
Nilsson M.Y., Andersson S., Magnusson L. e Hanson E.
2020Ambient Assisted Living Technology Mediated Interventions for Older People and Their Informal Carers in the Context of Healthy Ageing: A Scoping Review, in «Health Science Reports», 4, 1, https://doi.org/10.1002/.
Tiersen F., Batey P., Harrison M.J.C., Naar L., Serban A.I., Daniels S.J.C. e Calvo R.A.
2021Smart Home Sensing and Monitoring in Households with Dementia: User-Centered Design Approach, in «JMIR Aging», 4, 3, doi: 10.2196/27047.
Zamiri M., Sarraipa J., Luis-Ferreira F., Manus G.M., O’Brien P., Camarinha-Matos L.M. e Jardim-Goncalves R.
2021Review of Technology-Supported Multimodal Solutions for People with Dementia, in «Sensors», 21, 14, doi: 10.3390/s21144806.