Salvatore Capasso, Giovanni Canitano (a cura di)
Mediterranean Economies 2023
DOI: 10.1401/9788815411167/c4
Fig. 15. Energy import dependency of France, Italy and Spain. General and oil and petroleum products (percentages given by trade balance with inverted sign (imports-exports).
Source: authors’ elaboration on Eurostat data. Date retrieved: 12th January 2023.
Fig. 16. France, Italy and Spain: imports, exports and trade balance of petroleum products (data in thousands in tonnes).
Source: authors’ elaboration on Eurostat data. Date retrieved: 12th January 2023.


In this chapter, we analysed the energy framework in the Mediterranean basin. The MENA region plays a crucial role in meeting the energy requirements of neighbouring countries thanks to its favourable geographic position both in terms of resource provision and commercial trade. Oil and natural gas are the main fossil fuels consumed in Europe and in Asiatic regions even though there has been an increase in the consumption of renewable energy thanks to the green transition. Even if the United States and Russia are also energy suppliers, the MENA countries remain the main providers of oil and natural gas, especially since the turmoil caused by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.